Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tired tired

I woke up tired today; I woke up already tired; that's not a good sign is it? How can one 'wake up' TIRED? You are supposed to wake up refreshed! Ready to go!.. not tired :( Perhaps I will take a nap this afternoon; but even though I am tired the fight must go on! Today I am tackling one room. Today I will tackle the tv room and be done with it.. well, not really. Your never DONE with it.. You fix it; you make it beautiful and then the children look around.. I can only guess what goes on in a little ones mind.

Wow, mom cleaned the tv room; it loooks soo nice! Too nice almos tlike she doesn't have children! OH NO! she doesnt' want kids or the house wouldn't look so nice! Oh boy, I need to get some stuff in there quick before she remembers how it was before she had kids! What do I have on hand? Dolls, bears, train tracks always make a nice crunchy mess. Ahh, thats' better! I think my bucket of legoes would go perfect there.. yes... perfection! (goes to the next room)

anyway, that would be my guess about what goes on in their minds *L*

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