Friday, February 29, 2008

focus pocus

I am trying to do a major renovation of my house in the next few months. My parents' in law will be moving to our house and making our large family room in their apartment. They are going to make the bathroom bigger for a tub, and add wall partitions to make a bedroom and a small living room. It will be quite a project. Brian will also be moving his 'office' (see get away from loud children) upstairs and Amelia will be getting daddys' 'old office' for her little girls' room.

I can't wait to decorate Amelias' little room. I have been working on Alisons' room with Abby lately, but a little girl with her own opinions sounds even funner!

My sister Ellicia (preggo sister number two) is in the process of moving to Ohio in the next few weeks and they needed the waterbed that my parents' in law had (in the past) in the upstairs and the couch I recieved last year, but won't need now because in-laws are moving in that spot. So our sitting, living room will be our new tv room THis room doesn't have closets so I am going ot have to ..get rid of stuff :(.. I also will be able to move most of the kids toys to their own bedrooms since they won't be sharing a room anymore. anyway I am really excited about getting to start on all these projects!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

another day another quarter

Tonight I am awake and I can not go to sleep. I took my medicines; but I also took a vitamin so that I could get healthier; well that vitamin perked me right up! So here it is; two in the morning and I am wishing for a little less perk. I have done the dishes, moved a kids desk, and restarted my kefir. whoo! Yet, I still am awake enough to type and to write in my little ol' blog. I have been busy recently; my sister Abby is about to pop, my sister Ellicia is trying to move four hours away, I have been babysitting alot this week and my sister Barbara sent my Mia a little card.. Mia loved it by the way Barbara if you read this :)

I have joined weight watchers with my mother and my sister Melissa since Jan and am having pretty good results. I am down twelve pounds; and I am feeling happier having just one littlething in control.

Joel is loving homeschool. we are working on a site called click n' read and it's really doing wonders for him.. He is just thinking all the time and really enjoying learning. I just love having my son with me.. This is what feels right. I thank Jehovah every time I hear or see a bus. I am just so glad that I am able to homeschool him and I can't wait to homeschool Mia. Although, Mia believes she IS being homeschooled and asks for 'homeschool' every half hour!. Online she loves ; Joel likes it too; but Amelia loves it and I can tell shes' learning; shes' able to pick out and make the sound for about five letters so far.

I have been sick for a month! well, wed. it was actually closer to a month and a half. I am so ready to be well! I have this awful cough that causes my asthma to go crazy and I using my inhaler all the time. I feel so miserable; I am ready for spring. Please please spring; spring.

I am ready for my tulips and daffodils; I am ready for all the little tiny purple flowers to pop up instead of grass in areas. I ready to dance in warm rain.

Well, I am here and ready for when it comes. I will pounce on it!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Abbys' little girl is doing very well from the ultrasound today. She is reputed to be 6 lb 4 oz. she is slightly effaced and dilated.. my sister not the baby *L* Her kidney problem is still persisting; but she looks very healthy and ready to meet her big brother Jonas . who just turned 4 this week!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How a trip to mcdonalds' ended in tragedy

Well, ok.. maybe not tragedy, but I did get my credit card stolen. and I was sad.. isn't that tragic? I'll take two weeks before I get a new card .. I feel like I've lost my security blanket!

We are all really happy about the giants winning. my husband has been in a great mood. I suppose we are just happy to see the Patriots fall on the faces.

Amelia has learned how to use the computer now so now I don't only have to fight Brian and Joel for me time; I also have to fight Mia! She does really good though with it.. she loves to use

I also have a really neat site called if anyone signs up lists 'joel' as your referal . or I can even send you the link.

anyway, have a good day

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

another day in Indiana

Isn't it spring yet? no.. sadly its' not. I looked outside this morning and there was a fresh layer of snow. I have tried to boycott winter this year and it is not working out in my favor. I have tried to not wear a coat and perhaps winter would get the idea and just go away. Nope, that didnt' work; it just got colder! I guess I must just accept this 'winter' thing because it doesn't seem in a hurry to leave and bring spring. Oh, I love spring; it is so wonderful and happy. So full of new life it almost chokes on it. Birds singing and warm spring rains; thers' a special beauty to it that is unescapable. Sure, winter is pretty neat tool; I would just rather if it is going to snow; snow alot so I can build snow people with my short people. ahh well.. I will just enjoy what is here. I think we are all extra excited about spring this year because Abby will have her baby in March and there hasn't been a baby around these here parts for AGES! So ..we will wait .. patiently.. kinda :)