Sunday, December 30, 2007


Meeting was inspirational.

I love it when you get a really good speaker. one that can move and motivated you.. Amelia wasn't her best behavior wise; but it was still a good meeting

Brian and Donny have been working on Donny's clutch for his car for the last few days and I think Brian is working harder on his vacation then he does at work.. I hope it gets fixed soon for I fear for his health; out in this weather. Hes' gettin' old ya know! :)

The kids keep wanting to be 'out' with daddy and I have to keep telling them no.. it's dark , its' cold and Uncle Donnys' car could fall on them.. I think they are just bored. The children that is.. let me see if i can get you those promised pictures!

Amelias' gotten to be such a

Thursday, December 27, 2007

jw fun stuff

I found this site and it is really neat with so many fun things in there and inspirational things too. I thought I would share just a few with you my audience.

First some Jokes!

Theocratic Goals for 2008

Here are some theocratic goals we all can reach out for the new service year

To get to the meeting ahead of time.
To make our way to the counter to get in line
To raise our hand and comment at every meeting
To welcome strangers with a greeting
To visit a sick one and encourage
To avoid speech that will discourage
To strive for all the fruits to display
To always see the need to pray
To help clean the Kingdom Hall
To surprise someone with a telephone call

To place a book with the use of Scriptures
To teach your child with the use of pictures
To come to the aid of those who lack
To read the magazines from front to back
To correctly fill out time blanks
To welcome the speaker and tell him thanks
To greet one another with a smile
To work on that great big magazine pile
To put an end to a malicious story
To seek the Kingdom first and not to worry

To answer mildly when someone mocks
To not forget that contribution box
To keep my Bible and book bag clean and neat
To occasionally take a front row seat
To really rehearse my student talk
To watch how we speak and how we walk
To forgive and forget the fault of our brother
To prove that we're Christians who love one another
To work house to house with the circuit overseer
To get that "seven times" prophecy clear

To prepare my assignment well in advance
To show a quiet and mild spirit, the truth to enhance
To share an experience I had in the field
To study and build up strong faith as a shield
To be at the circuit assembly for each session
To strive to make true peace my possession
To speak consolingly to all depressed
To actually apply what the WT stressed
To offer a ride to our brother without
To find out what our young ones are thinking about

To use an illustration to make a point clear
To speak up loudly so that all can hear
To concentrate on the talk and not fall asleep
To grasp a new point or something deep
To willingly do a few menial tasks
To turn in your report before the secretary asks
To willingly do a few menial tasks
To show an interest in the old and young
To think before using your tongue
To read all the chapters assigned for the week
And always the other's advantage to seek

To set a goal to auxiliary pioneer
To informally witness without any fear
To stay for the service meeting following the school
To remember to stress that God's Kingdom will rule
To give a fine witness by conduct alone
To submit as a wife to the head of the home
To remember the scripture and read the day's text
To consider your mate's viewpoint and your own wishes next
To underline the answer in each paragraph
To hear a wrong comment and try not to laugh

To stay out in service a little bit longer
To sing the Kingdom songs a little bit stronger
To listen intently to the prayer said and then
To respond when it's over with a heartfelt "Amen

This is a poem a Witness student wrote for an extra credit assignment this week at school. The teacher said she had to write a poem based on an historical event, and put it to a Christmas tune. She asked if she could modify the assignment by just writing a poem on the origin of Christmas and if true Christians should celebrate it. She is very talented. Enjoy! Christmas Poem
By: Monét Phillips
Christmas time for many
Is the best time of the year.
A time to bond with family
For gift giving and cheer.
But if you did some research
Of how it originated,
You'd ask yourself, "Is it proper
For true Christians to celebrate it?"

You can ask any Christian,
Anyone on the Earth
What December 25th is and
They'll say, "Christ Jesus' birth".
Was Jesus really born in December?
According to the Bible, he wasn't.
Does Christmas come from true Christians?
No, it surely doesn't.

The Jewish month of Chislev
Or our November/December,
Was not pleasant in Bethlehem .
It had cold and rainy weather.
The Bible writer Ezra confirmed
That when cold Chislev came,
People were "shivering on account
Of the showers of rain". (Ezra 10:9, 13)
Jeremiah also wrote
That when this month arrived,
People said it was so cold
You couldn't "stand outside"! (Jeremiah 36:22)
So if he was born in December
And conditions were so poor,
Why would shepherds on this night
Be "living out of doors"? (Luke 2:8-12)

Well where does Christmas come from?
I surely have to tell 'ya.
It's from an ancient festival
Whose name was Saturnalia.
During this pagan party,
People exchanged gifts.
Its date was very familiar.
December 25th.

This date was someone's birthday:
Tammuz was his name.
It was a festival that would
Give all of us great shame.
They used the tall green Christmas tree
And wreaths were all around
To represent phallus
As researchers have found.

The mistletoe had powers
They put it into use
It was to promote fertility,
The first step to reproduce!
The ornaments you've come to know
They made their use of these
Except for round glass globes they used
Human heads on trees!

If this were Christ's true birthday
And he was really for it
Wouldn't he tell us to do it?
Wouldn't he support it?
So think about this info
And read the Bible through
Then take a moment and ask yourself:
"What would Jesus do?"

click here for site

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Song for my husband

Alison Krauss

When you say nothing at all

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

That's my man :)
less like scars and more like character,

when we have our inevitable scars they make us stronger?

Stronger for what because I see some that haven't any (to be fair; any that I can see outwardly; I know that we all have our own private problems) serious 'scars' in their life. They have coped fine and they are fine adults coping fine still. So do they not have character because they haven't suffered? They seem fine to me.

So what is the point of the scars in our life? The 'make you fall down and think you will never stand again' kind of scars? How exactly do they help or is this just something that is said trying to be kind to each other?

Maybe it is.. Perhaps it is that a bad thing happened to you when you were young, yesterday or whenever.. That really stinks. i am sorry that your hurting so badly.

I think that makes more sense to me then.. this is really going to give your character because I know people with wonderful character that hasn't had to suffer to get it.

Or people that might say. yes, i've suffered in my life; but if I hadn't gone through this terrible time or times then I wouldn't be the person that you see before you!

Well, Id on't know who I would have been if I hadn't had pain.. I kind of thing I would be a better person though because I wouldn't be embittered, or afraid of new circumstances; who would I be if I hadn't been ostracized as a child in school and other places? Would that have made me better? Or would I not be as empathetic as I am now if I hadn't? I dn't know..

Also, just a thought ; but a physical scar is a scar. You really would rather you didn't have it. Perhaps emotional scars are somewhat like that too.

Just to give an example of one of my emotional scars is my little guy Danny. People that know me IRL knows my story of Danny; but for you others I'll give you a quick play by play. I babysat for him and his parents' didnt' take car of him.. So I emotionally became his mother. I had him more then half the time. Eventually his mother left the family, and even later then that she died and he actually was motherless. Danny was everything to me; and I will tell you I taught him the truth as I would anyone that I loved so much and it eventually bit me in the butt.

His father started dating again and he didnt' want her to know that he had basically given one of his children away to me; so he started to not let me see him. Then it got worse until I received the phone call telling me not to contact them or have anything to do with him again because he told his daycare that Santa Claus is a lie and Jehovah hates liars. (I'm still proud of him for that) He was almost five when this happened and I was and am heartbroken. I think of him daily, although the pain has gotten better as the years has passed by.. He will be eleven in April.

Anyway, thats' why I had Joel nine months later. and I am forever thankfult to my little guy so I guess it did work out somewhat in the end.

So did those five years I had Danny.. were they wasted years? I don't think so to tell you the truth because he came about at a time I really needed to love someone and he was just wonderful. It was such a pleasure to have him even just for five years. I hope that he remembers my teaching of the truth to him .. I hope someday he remembers .. someday I hope to look him up; but I am scared. I am scared he doesnt' even remember me. Perhaps even if he doesnt' remember me I gave him love when he needed it most.. The first five years are when I was there for him.

anyway, that's just an example.. I have millions just like them. *L*..

Saturday, December 22, 2007

postive outlook; wonderful marriage

We all say to ourselves in the journey of marriage. What if I didnt marry the right person? We might see around us others that seem so much happier then us and we might feel jealous. I just wanted to throw an idea out here that the marriage that we have and the happiness that we have from that marriage is our own choice.

From great love; great love is received.

If we act and truly feel that we are blessed with a wonderful marriage or if we walk around our marriage as a martyr. These choices that we make are exactly what makes our marriage what it is.

The power of positive thinking. It really can work for you. Just stop what your thinking for one moment and restart your 'engine'.

It will not happen overnight and it won't always or even usually be up, but if we work on changing our outlook everyday; we will look back and think that this little change in our marriage; in our thinking has created a much happier marriage.

I know... a little bit uhmm.. blarmy.. but I am still going to try it. Starting today!

Friday, December 21, 2007

on the other side of course we do have an accountability

Hebrews 4
13 And there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.
We might be able to deceive fellow humans, but we cannot fool Jehovah. Time and again the Scriptures exhort us to be honest with one another, for liars will have no place in an earth swept clean of unrighteousness.

Above all, honesty wins us the friendship of Almighty God.
1 john 3
19 By this we shall know that we originate with the truth, and we shall assure our hearts before him 20 as regards whatever our hearts may condemn us in, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things.

I think that this is just a great scripture. It tells us that Jehovah is greater then our hear ts. When we get down on ourselves and feel that we don't deserve the loving kindness of Jehovah. WHen our heart condemns us that Jehovah knows our deepest inside motivation and person; he knows all things. We must never ever think that we know more then Jehovah. He loves us and we are worth loving

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Joel says 'is it spring yet?'

The snow has melted and we as a family believe that winter is over. yes, we might be proven wrong; but, we think that if everyone believes it ; old man winter will run away like the coward he is; :)

Also, Amelia informed me this night that she stayed up all night by herself and she didn't even go to sleep. I asked her if she was scared and she told me that big girls arent' scared of the dark.
Nevermind that i watched her sleep last night and this morning I kissed her little cheeks when I woke up and she was still in her sweet slumber... I believe her!

Brian and I took the kids to chuck e cheses' yesterday afternoon and boy did we have fun! Daddy played racing, roller coaster, and other boy games with Joel. While I watched Mia ride the 'horsey' (pics to follow) then Mia and her dad rode the roller coaster simulater, and other fun stuff. Later, Brian and I had some friendly competition at basketball and ski ball. He won.. BARELY!!!!!!

Anyway it was a really nice afternoon and we all enjoyed being with each other..

Last night we over to Abby and Donnys' and watched Pirates of the Carribean. I had already seen it before; but no one even knew because I kept my mouth shut.. Yay me! The children were pretty good too; so it was win win.

This morning I cleaned out the car and moved the big box of trash i've been accumulating from working on the upstairs out to the curb. I hope to get more done with the upstairs this morning. Have a good day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A blanket of snow does not warmth create

It is winter again here ; four inches of the 'cold stuff' has fallen while I blissfully unaware in my state of slumber knew of it not.

Not fun thing; getting sleeping child ready for school to get him off to school in freezing tempature. Driving him to school with barely plowed roads.

Little daughter looking out the window with eyes fo wonder of the new world around her.
"oh mommy jehovah gave us snow last night!"
same little bit worried about where her shoes are because she has to go play in the snow right now!~

Friday, November 30, 2007


I don't know why he acted so cold.. it was a hot day.. I think he was just tired
we still like this bus driver at this time.. now he doesn't ride the afternoon bus
busy at home.. work
First day of school!
Visiting school day before school starts

Amelia on her horse
Joelie the cowboy
Even cowpokes need to stop for lunch
Is there polar bear coming out yet?
Bestest friends

Amelia .. in disguise

I found some pictures that I don't think I have had up here yet.. It was from when Joel first started school in early August and a trip to the zoo.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Amelia came to me

"mommy, Jonas thinks I hurt him"

Well what happened?

Well I didn't hurt him though..

Okay so tellme what happened?

I didn't hurt him exactly...

Well, what exactly happened?

It was an accident

Jonas comes downstairs crying

What happened jonas?

Mia hurt me!

Was it on purpose or accident?


*L* kids!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cheating by using part of my letter to my mother in law.. easier then typing it twice!

Had a pretty good day yesterday!

I was able to get the kitchen cleaned yesterday and the tv room picked up.. Worked on bathroom for hours and barely put a dent into it.. I'm trying CLR today and seeing if that is going to help. The stains just wont' come ouT! I even bought a black and decker scrubber thingy and it didn't do crap.. I think I"im going to return it. It was rather pathetic.. *L*

I even had a small party last night.. Donny and Justin came to work on their cars and brought their significant others. Abby and I watched House and Law and Order SVU.. Boy svu put me and abby in a tailspin.. we got caught up in it and were crying in the end *L*.. a very pregnant wife of one of the detectives was in a car accident and we thought either she or the baby were going to die.. Thankfully they are fine! *L*

Amelia has learned to blow here nose.. but it's still driving her crazy (the neverending snot) she'll come to me crying for me to fix her nose.. She still calls it bleeding.. exacept when I correcther.. Its' cute :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Amelia with a runny nose

"mommy my nose is bleeding'

Mommy trying to be funny and being shot down by the otherwordly six year old. "I'm funny sometimes right Joel?"

"yes, but today is not one of them"

"it's okay mom we can't be funny all the time"

Amelia at being called a pumkinhead.

"I'm your blueberry not a pumkinhead"

A blueberry?

"yes your blueberry jumping bean rabbit".. Well, that's not a direct was more like..

"your blueberry rabbit with jumping beans"

Gotta love this motherhood stuff :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Where have I BEEN????

*L* I havne't posted in awhile; has anyone seen me? I sure haven't. This past week has been very busy and I've been feeling alot better about life in general. Brian was able to get four days off in a row so that was really nice. We had a really good time this week with his time off. WE were around family alot; but not 'too' much! :) Brian did work last night and he works tonight; but, its' not too bad because we were able to have him around so much earlier in the week.

Last week my little boy Joel turned SIX!! That seems so old to me; like a stage is gone from his little life; never to return. He is completely not a preschooler anymore. He is growing up so fast!
It seems like yesterday the little guy was a tiny baby; perfectly shaped little doll with five fingers and five toes. We've had some rough times, but he has a heart of gold like his daddy. If there is ever someone tthat wants me to be happy; its' that little man. He is so aware of my feelings and takes it upon himself to keep me happy. He is the first with a kiss and the first with a hug for his mommy. He gives me so much more then I could possibly give back to him.

We had such a rough toddler time and at times it broke my heart how hard he would fight me on the tiniest things. We continued and we tried; we stayed as consistent as I could be with a new baby in the house and it has paid off. He is usually so easy going; even though he has a strong temper. We try together to keep that temper in check. Anyway, five has been wonderful and I truly expect six to be even better!!!

Joel is my dream. I dreamed ever since I could of having a little boy and I even named HIm Joel way back when I was ten. I have little stories that I found recently of my 'dream' son Joel. He truly is my dream come true. HIp hip hooray for children; for what would we be without them? So I wanted to tell Joel thank you for making my dream come true,

Thank you for teaching me patience
Thank you for helping me with pride.
Thank you for showing me how deeply I am capable of loving.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

my poem that i wrote tonight

my poem that I wrote tonight

Everybody gets broke sometimes

We all stand and we all will fall

Everyone falls down sometimes

Its’ hard to see when you’ve lost your prospective

When you’re down on the ground you can’t see your objective

Everybody gets down sometimes

Everybody slips and there is no shame in losing

As long as you climb up from the wreckage

That’s of your choosing

It’s hard to remember that it will all be better

And Jehovah never gives us more then can be handled

We all fall sometimes and sometimes we’re sad

We climb back up one step at a time

It’s hard to see what path to follow,

Its’ good to remember above all else, don’t wallow

In your sadness; for it can be addictive

A heartsick human can seem quite vindictive

Everybody gets broke sometimes,

Everybody falls

You can’t unring a bell and you can’t turn back time

So own up to your loses and endure as a man

Jehovah will give you the power in which to stand

With strength from above you will surely succeed

You can overcome when your close to the ground

Everybody gets broke sometimes

Everybody grows

mia sickie


Joel on a rock
a Kudu
A Joel on a rock
Brian.. I mean a polar bear
Amelia and Jonas
Amelia, Joel, Jonas

Some pictures from last week; daddy the cameraman!

Amelia and Joel

Amelia posing in pink for her daddy

My sisterMelissa and Vinnie her three year old

Monday, November 12, 2007

Weather is nicer!

Joel in his daddys' boots circa 2004
I woke up today and the weather was in the higher fifties and it felt so nice! No thirties for us anymore :) I think I'll take my kids to the park today after I get the dishes done. I worked on the tv room last night when Brian was at work; he hasn't seen it yet, but I think he'll be happy about it. get the kitchen done too and voila! happy husband! Well, ic an't stay on here cause I have to work work work; have a nice day everybody!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Ok, so you might have noticed from my last couple of posts that i've been feeling a little down. I am out of anti depressants; which i did get a few more today so hopefully i'll be doing a little better. Thanks for anyone that was worried about me; I really appreciate people caring.

Sometimes a kind word can be like honey.. well actually a kind word any time is like that; but a kind word in need.. well, thats' just beautiful and I really appreciate it. I get so 'into' my children that sometimes I put things that are also important on the backburner. I need to be more balanced and less crazy! Thanks for such friendly reminders.

School of hard knocks

I believe I have been enrolled in this school for all my of life. It is an interesting education; I am not sure how or when I signed up for this extensive school program; I am not sure how to unenroll either. I do know that I wouldn't want it any other way; then it would not have been my life. The school of hard knocks is a tough one; some people give up at the school of hard knocks and some people keep fighting. Some like me perhaps; give up, find the world is still moving on and they are staying still so they get back up again and then keep fighting. I am not that interested in staying enrolled at this school however, but I don't know who to inform of my desire to leave. So, this is my official resignation of the school of hard knocks. Please let those in charge hear of my leaving this fine establishment.



Thursday, November 8, 2007


I am so lonely in my life. I know it seems like I shouldn't be.. I have my sisters and my religion, my children and my husband. My life is full; I mean it couldnt' be fuller; but somedays what i wouldn't give for a day or a evening with my husband. It is amazing how lonely you can get for someone and see them everyday. I love my children and I love being with them; but I miss talking to my husband and having 'us' time. Perhaps that is selfish, maybe.. I still feel that way though. I went out with my sisters' and mom the other night while Brian watched the kids and all I could think was 'i wish it was brian with me and my sisters or mom watching my kids' . It is hard to ask them to do that though; they all work and they are all tired in the evening. Sometimes I think even Brian would rather hang out with his brother in laws then a night with me. I just dont' feel worthy to make such a big deal of it. When my mother in law would come from Ohio it was okay because I know she really like spending time with them and I know she would call if she needed me and she'd watch them at my house which set my mind at ease too; but since she can't come visit anymore because of monetary troubles, I am lonely. Okay, enough soul wretching :) on with your daily program

speaking of grandmas

This is a picure of my grandmother. My dads' mom..

Grandparents' day

At joels' school; it was grandparents' day.. I was so worried that my mom wouldn't come; but she did come and they made magnets. One for grandma and one for grandma in ohio; that couldnt' be there. Joel was so proud that his grandma came; I guess one child didn't have her grandma come and she cried so mom was glad she made it too. *L* I wish I could have seen pictures; but moms' cameras' battery was dead.

I have Vinnie today; I think he wants soup because he has said ' i want soup' ten times in two minutes *L*

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Remember when I used to talkabout things besides how cold i was?

That was a long time ago; back when I wasn't cold. I just don't have much to say when I'm cold I guess. We did go to meeting last night and the kids fell asleep. When do you stop letting your kids sleep through the meeting? I have a friend that wakes up her three year old if he falls alseep. Thats' great for her; but if my three year old falls asleep I say thank you to Jehovah and listen intently to the meeting. Voila! No fidgeting, fighting, dropping things, whispering too loudly and mommy finds out there is an actual meeting going on past the sounds her three year old makes! :) j/k

I have Jonas today and I think we'll take a stop to Ellicia's work and have pizza for lunch. I know i know; but I do love to get out of this freezing house! :) and into a freezing car.. yay@! I have to pick up Joel from school in about a half hour so I better get ready

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

too cold to write

It has gotten too cold to write; I am cold this very minute and seem to continue in this coldness. It is colder downstairs then it is up; because we used to have a fireplace stove in the middle and we had to get rid of it because of home owners insurance so now I'm just cold.

This morning when i was getting Joel up for school he asked me if he could homeschool. I was so happy for him to ask! I told him that we need to talk to daddy about it. When Brian came home from work he asked his dad and bri said that we'd talk about it this afternoon. weee! Anywho, my little guy is off at school right now and my little miss sunshine has not yet woke up from her deep slumber so I have a few minutes of peace; even though it is cold peace. :)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Okay so maybe the Colts didn't win

but really Hoosiers; it's not the end of the world. SO maybe just maybe the patriots are better then us.. just a little. Maybe Manning was just not on his game today. Really, the game itself is not going to determine who's in the SuperBowl of course! Also, keep in mind that the colts only lost by four points.. So, maybe this will be their only loss. Cheer up Indiana!

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I am a parent; I have two little kids. One of those children I entrust to a imperfect school system at this time. I am afraid for this child in this school system; I afraid of the things that arebeing taught in my absence. I afraid for my child; his fears that go unnoticed, his tears unwiped without his mother nearby. I fear for my sons' safety at school; I do not like the many beliefs that are rampant and taught; although perhaps not outright at my childs' school. I do not like that a frustrated child is treated as a 'bad' child; it is flawed system in a flawed system of things. I am sad at this. I am an avid homeschooling mother; ahem.. my husband at this time is not. He is not against homeschool; he just wants there to be a reason to switch him; he wants him to try p.s first. So we are trying and some days/weeks are actually very trying. Instead of sitting my son down (or not) and practing our writing, or spelling; or just thinking skills; just me and him. Instead he goes to class of 22 children; all at five or six unruly at times trying to be taught to a teacher that gets tired (who wouldn't?) mgiht have a bad day (again; who wouldn't?) I am just saying at best the teacher probably has seven solid minutes a day with my child in actively teaching. I myself can give him two hours of solidly teaching and then a trip to a park etc. So you can see that teaching is somethign that anyone can do and a parent can do so much good, just because they are their childs' advocate.

It is very hard to sit on the sidelines of five year old when he is at school; trying to be your childs' advocate, but made to feel foolish in trying to be a 'part' of the classroom. It seems to be a rock and a hard place.

On the other hand Romans 5: 3,4

3 And not only that, but let us exult while in tribulations, since we know that tribulation produces endurance;
4 endurance, in turn, an approved condition; the approved condition, in turn, hope

so perhaps.. we do need tribulation to endure; or at least learn how to endure? Perhaps p.s. is a stepping stone we must pass to learn how to endure. maybe without p.s. a child would be ill equipped as an adult? but, can't we teach them to endure as we are teaching them so many other things? can we teach them to endure out in the field ministry? ahh.. some things for me think of..

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

can't we all just get along?

I get so tired of people not getting along and fighting. From the three year olds fussing over a toy to grown women wanting to be the best of the best. Its' exhausting; and it's unloving. I am so worn out by the tug of war of living and i wish there wasn't such a tug. I think.. and I know this is utopian of me; but I think that at the end of the day; when all things are said and done all we have is Jehovah and kindness. Kindness shown to thers; kindness shown to ourselves. Kindness from other people to us. If the world was a kinder place; it would be so nice. I tire of ridicule and jealousy. I am wary of discontent. So today think of a kind thing that you did for another person. Think of a cold thing that was said to another person. Hopefully your kindnesses far outweigh the hurt. At the end of the day thats' what we all hope.. I hope :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another baby

There is another blessing in my vast family! My little sister Ellicia is also pregnant! She is married to my sister Abbys' husbands ' brother.. Ellicia is married to Justin and ABby is married to donny and they are both pregnant; isn't that cute? Double cousins! Anyways, this is Ellicias' first one and its' going to be so amazing.. I' m really happy for her. As I am for Abby of course. I love them both dearly.