Last week my little boy Joel turned SIX!! That seems so old to me; like a stage is gone from his little life; never to return. He is completely not a preschooler anymore. He is growing up so fast!
It seems like yesterday the little guy was a tiny baby; perfectly shaped little doll with five fingers and five toes. We've had some rough times, but he has a heart of gold like his daddy. If there is ever someone tthat wants me to be happy; its' that little man. He is so aware of my feelings and takes it upon himself to keep me happy. He is the first with a kiss and the first with a hug for his mommy. He gives me so much more then I could possibly give back to him.
We had such a rough toddler time and at times it broke my heart how hard he would fight me on the tiniest things. We continued and we tried; we stayed as consistent as I could be with a new baby in the house and it has paid off. He is usually so easy going; even though he has a strong temper. We try together to keep that temper in check. Anyway, five has been wonderful and I truly expect six to be even better!!!
Joel is my dream. I dreamed ever since I could of having a little boy and I even named HIm Joel way back when I was ten. I have little stories that I found recently of my 'dream' son Joel. He truly is my dream come true. HIp hip hooray for children; for what would we be without them? So I wanted to tell Joel thank you for making my dream come true,
Thank you for teaching me patience
Thank you for helping me with pride.
Thank you for showing me how deeply I am capable of loving.
1 comment:
Awww, how beautiful!! Glad you're back in blogging land. And glad things are going better for you!
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