Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cheating by using part of my letter to my mother in law.. easier then typing it twice!

Had a pretty good day yesterday!

I was able to get the kitchen cleaned yesterday and the tv room picked up.. Worked on bathroom for hours and barely put a dent into it.. I'm trying CLR today and seeing if that is going to help. The stains just wont' come ouT! I even bought a black and decker scrubber thingy and it didn't do crap.. I think I"im going to return it. It was rather pathetic.. *L*

I even had a small party last night.. Donny and Justin came to work on their cars and brought their significant others. Abby and I watched House and Law and Order SVU.. Boy svu put me and abby in a tailspin.. we got caught up in it and were crying in the end *L*.. a very pregnant wife of one of the detectives was in a car accident and we thought either she or the baby were going to die.. Thankfully they are fine! *L*

Amelia has learned to blow here nose.. but it's still driving her crazy (the neverending snot) she'll come to me crying for me to fix her nose.. She still calls it bleeding.. exacept when I correcther.. Its' cute :)

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