First some Jokes!

Theocratic Goals for 2008
Here are some theocratic goals we all can reach out for the new service year
To get to the meeting ahead of time.
To make our way to the counter to get in line
To raise our hand and comment at every meeting
To welcome strangers with a greeting
To visit a sick one and encourage
To avoid speech that will discourage
To strive for all the fruits to display
To always see the need to pray
To help clean the Kingdom Hall
To surprise someone with a telephone call
To place a book with the use of Scriptures
To teach your child with the use of pictures
To come to the aid of those who lack
To read the magazines from front to back
To correctly fill out time blanks
To welcome the speaker and tell him thanks
To greet one another with a smile
To work on that great big magazine pile
To put an end to a malicious story
To seek the Kingdom first and not to worry
To answer mildly when someone mocks
To not forget that contribution box
To keep my Bible and book bag clean and neat
To occasionally take a front row seat
To really rehearse my student talk
To watch how we speak and how we walk
To forgive and forget the fault of our brother
To prove that we're Christians who love one another
To work house to house with the circuit overseer
To get that "seven times" prophecy clear
To prepare my assignment well in advance
To show a quiet and mild spirit, the truth to enhance
To share an experience I had in the field
To study and build up strong faith as a shield
To be at the circuit assembly for each session
To strive to make true peace my possession
To speak consolingly to all depressed
To actually apply what the WT stressed
To offer a ride to our brother without
To find out what our young ones are thinking about
To use an illustration to make a point clear
To speak up loudly so that all can hear
To concentrate on the talk and not fall asleep
To grasp a new point or something deep
To willingly do a few menial tasks
To turn in your report before the secretary asks
To willingly do a few menial tasks
To show an interest in the old and young
To think before using your tongue
To read all the chapters assigned for the week
And always the other's advantage to seek
To set a goal to auxiliary pioneer
To informally witness without any fear
To stay for the service meeting following the school
To remember to stress that God's Kingdom will rule
To give a fine witness by conduct alone
To submit as a wife to the head of the home
To remember the scripture and read the day's text
To consider your mate's viewpoint and your own wishes next
To underline the answer in each paragraph
To hear a wrong comment and try not to laugh
To stay out in service a little bit longer
To sing the Kingdom songs a little bit stronger
To listen intently to the prayer said and then
To respond when it's over with a heartfelt "Amen

This is a poem a Witness student wrote for an extra credit assignment this week at school. The teacher said she had to write a poem based on an historical event, and put it to a Christmas tune. She asked if she could modify the assignment by just writing a poem on the origin of Christmas and if true Christians should celebrate it. She is very talented. Enjoy! Christmas Poem
By: Monét PhillipsChristmas time for many
Is the best time of the year.
A time to bond with family
For gift giving and cheer.
But if you did some research
Of how it originated,
You'd ask yourself, "Is it proper
For true Christians to celebrate it?"
You can ask any Christian,
Anyone on the Earth
What December 25th is and
They'll say, "Christ Jesus' birth".
Was Jesus really born in December?
According to the Bible, he wasn't.
Does Christmas come from true Christians?
No, it surely doesn't.
The Jewish month of Chislev
Or our November/December,
Was not pleasant in Bethlehem .
It had cold and rainy weather.
The Bible writer Ezra confirmed
That when cold Chislev came,
People were "shivering on account
Of the showers of rain". (Ezra 10:9, 13)Jeremiah also wrote
That when this month arrived,
People said it was so cold
You couldn't "stand outside"! (Jeremiah 36:22)
So if he was born in December
And conditions were so poor,
Why would shepherds on this night
Be "living out of doors"? (Luke 2:8-12)
Well where does Christmas come from?
I surely have to tell 'ya.
It's from an ancient festival
Whose name was Saturnalia.
During this pagan party,
People exchanged gifts.
Its date was very familiar.
December 25th.
This date was someone's birthday:
Tammuz was his name.
It was a festival that would
Give all of us great shame.
They used the tall green Christmas tree
And wreaths were all around
To represent phallus
As researchers have found.
The mistletoe had powers
They put it into use
It was to promote fertility,
The first step to reproduce!
The ornaments you've come to know
They made their use of these
Except for round glass globes they used
Human heads on trees!
If this were Christ's true birthday
And he was really for it
Wouldn't he tell us to do it?
Wouldn't he support it?
So think about this info
And read the Bible through
Then take a moment and ask yourself:
"What would Jesus do?"
click here for site
By: Monét PhillipsChristmas time for many
Is the best time of the year.
A time to bond with family
For gift giving and cheer.
But if you did some research
Of how it originated,
You'd ask yourself, "Is it proper
For true Christians to celebrate it?"
You can ask any Christian,
Anyone on the Earth
What December 25th is and
They'll say, "Christ Jesus' birth".
Was Jesus really born in December?
According to the Bible, he wasn't.
Does Christmas come from true Christians?
No, it surely doesn't.
The Jewish month of Chislev
Or our November/December,
Was not pleasant in Bethlehem .
It had cold and rainy weather.
The Bible writer Ezra confirmed
That when cold Chislev came,
People were "shivering on account
Of the showers of rain". (Ezra 10:9, 13)Jeremiah also wrote
That when this month arrived,
People said it was so cold
You couldn't "stand outside"! (Jeremiah 36:22)
So if he was born in December
And conditions were so poor,
Why would shepherds on this night
Be "living out of doors"? (Luke 2:8-12)
Well where does Christmas come from?
I surely have to tell 'ya.
It's from an ancient festival
Whose name was Saturnalia.
During this pagan party,
People exchanged gifts.
Its date was very familiar.
December 25th.
This date was someone's birthday:
Tammuz was his name.
It was a festival that would
Give all of us great shame.
They used the tall green Christmas tree
And wreaths were all around
To represent phallus
As researchers have found.
The mistletoe had powers
They put it into use
It was to promote fertility,
The first step to reproduce!
The ornaments you've come to know
They made their use of these
Except for round glass globes they used
Human heads on trees!
If this were Christ's true birthday
And he was really for it
Wouldn't he tell us to do it?
Wouldn't he support it?
So think about this info
And read the Bible through
Then take a moment and ask yourself:
"What would Jesus do?"
click here for site
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