Wednesday, October 31, 2007

can't we all just get along?

I get so tired of people not getting along and fighting. From the three year olds fussing over a toy to grown women wanting to be the best of the best. Its' exhausting; and it's unloving. I am so worn out by the tug of war of living and i wish there wasn't such a tug. I think.. and I know this is utopian of me; but I think that at the end of the day; when all things are said and done all we have is Jehovah and kindness. Kindness shown to thers; kindness shown to ourselves. Kindness from other people to us. If the world was a kinder place; it would be so nice. I tire of ridicule and jealousy. I am wary of discontent. So today think of a kind thing that you did for another person. Think of a cold thing that was said to another person. Hopefully your kindnesses far outweigh the hurt. At the end of the day thats' what we all hope.. I hope :)

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