Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A day of kids; again.. *yawn*

Last night we had the meeting..We have the theocratic ministry school on Tues and book study on Thurs. Brian and were both able to go and the kids were really good. We sat by my dad and my dad was really sweet with the children. After we went to the meeting I talked Brian into going to Meijers and getting icecream. I enjoy so much watching my little ones pick out things; and watching them in public..w el anywhere, but for some reason particularly in public makes me just so proud to have such a wonderful family and such beautiful children.. I just feel so blessed. I was just enjoying 'my family' so much; but Brian was getting frustrated; we all wanted different icecream, the children broke soemthing(not their fault; someone left something glass in the middle of the aisle) I wish he could see how blessed he is too.

Anyway, I love my family. :)

Today I ended up helping my mom with Mels' kids. Shes' going to be working at a bank instead of as a waitress ; so this might be her last week on Wed. We don't know what her schedule will be when she starts at the bank. She will get to be right in the middle of downtown on the 'circle' which I think shes' pretty excited about.

We had a pretty good time. My mom had made chocolate chip cookies and when I brought Ellicia back from work she got bead and strings out to make necklaces with and the kids played with that all day. I got to use the sewing machine too. I got most of the pieces for a quilt I am making, I made a dinasour pillow for Luke, and I made a little dress for Mia.

Later my mom and I worked on a pesto. Thats' basil, almonds (or some kind of nut) olive oil, salt, together in a blender. then she used the pesto as a base for her pizza sauce.. It was soo good!.. It was a really good pizza and I HELPED *L*

Melissa came home from work around nine and she took me and the kids hoem since Brian was already at work in our 'one' car.. *sigh*.. Anyway.. now I am taking iteasy until Bedtime.. although we should already be in bed.. Have a good night!

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