Friday, February 1, 2008

another day in Indiana

Isn't it spring yet? no.. sadly its' not. I looked outside this morning and there was a fresh layer of snow. I have tried to boycott winter this year and it is not working out in my favor. I have tried to not wear a coat and perhaps winter would get the idea and just go away. Nope, that didnt' work; it just got colder! I guess I must just accept this 'winter' thing because it doesn't seem in a hurry to leave and bring spring. Oh, I love spring; it is so wonderful and happy. So full of new life it almost chokes on it. Birds singing and warm spring rains; thers' a special beauty to it that is unescapable. Sure, winter is pretty neat tool; I would just rather if it is going to snow; snow alot so I can build snow people with my short people. ahh well.. I will just enjoy what is here. I think we are all extra excited about spring this year because Abby will have her baby in March and there hasn't been a baby around these here parts for AGES! So ..we will wait .. patiently.. kinda :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.