Today is indeed a new day. I have my sisters' little boy 'Luke' over today because he spent the night last night. The kids have been doing really great and have just grand old time together; although the mess factor is a little higher then it is just my little ones. I am in the process of emptying out my tv room which is to become my 'inlaws' little apartment. There is still somethings in the bookshelves of the closets and on the floor that the kids are playing with; but, today I can see some real improvement. It is hard to find a place for things because Brian hasn't yet moved the stuff out of his old office (Mias' new bedroom) and into the upstairs which is his new office-hangout space- cave. so clothes are quite a mess right now while we wait for closets!
i can't believe that my danny will be 12 and my little sister will be 21 this tax day. Time just keeps marching on and so fast. That the baby I had the day before yesterday has lost his first tooth and the other baby is quickly too quickly turning into a bright eyed little girl. I have loved it though and I know that I am a born mother. I might stink at home management and I might be an embarrassment to Jehovah when it comes to upholding my promises to him (I'm working on it!) I know that I am a good mother. I know that my children are happy :) That I can feel good about; maybe I'm not as awesome as Kassandra with her whole making an ear in her kitchen thing.. (which is very cool , I just havne't tried it yet) but I do pretty darn well .
Time keep on moving; but I am going to hold my kids as much as I can before you take them from me and replace them with adults!
ME?!? Awesome?!? OK, not I KNOW my blog just isn't showing life how it really is. Nay, there are many days where I just go, "Meh, I don't think we'll be doing school today." Thank goodness I plan on schooling year 'round or that would be a disaster! Didn't you see how I burned myself out doing all that? I've gone back to basics, and it's much better that way when you're just beginning the whole homeschool journey. I try not to think, "You're going to be doing this for the next 18 years!" or I have to go get a paper bag to hyperventilate into. Trust me, I am simply a human being. No superhuman here. You're doing great.
thank you Kassandra. Your doing great too. I think we all need to hear that sometimes don't we? We all just have to endure to the end. No one said that that would be easy; just that we have to do our best. :)
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