It's eighteen years ago today. That I was babtized in symbolism of giving Jehovah my life and it would not be my own. How well have I lived up to this promise?.. I know I try; but.. Idon't know if it is enough.. or even close to enough.
Congratulations! 18 years is a long time! Don't give in to feeling unworthy- that is exactly what Satan wants you to do! Just keep this in mind- whatever you are doing, it is more than most of the people on this PLANET! Jehovah never asks more from us than our best. And your best now with two small children will NOT be the same best that you gave when you were single or even married without kids. Remember what it says at Heb. 6:10-"For God is not unrighteous so as to forget YOUR work and the love YOU showed for his name, in that YOU have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering." I am sure you are doing great, and you will be in my prayers tonight. Congrats again!
You are such a sweetheart. Although we have never met and you live far away. you truly are a sister of my heart :) Thank you for awlays having kind words for me. I hope that someday I am able to encourage you in like manner. These 'end of days' can be discouraging and we need each other and the world wide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses now more then ever. thanks again :)
Congratulations! 18 years is a long time! Don't give in to feeling unworthy- that is exactly what Satan wants you to do! Just keep this in mind- whatever you are doing, it is more than most of the people on this PLANET! Jehovah never asks more from us than our best. And your best now with two small children will NOT be the same best that you gave when you were single or even married without kids. Remember what it says at Heb. 6:10-"For God is not unrighteous so as to forget YOUR work and the love YOU showed for his name, in that YOU have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering." I am sure you are doing great, and you will be in my prayers tonight. Congrats again!
You are such a sweetheart. Although we have never met and you live far away. you truly are a sister of my heart :) Thank you for awlays having kind words for me. I hope that someday I am able to encourage you in like manner. These 'end of days' can be discouraging and we need each other and the world wide organization of Jehovah's Witnesses now more then ever. thanks again :)
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