you didn't get all of it; here's the rest.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
I love babies. I remember when Ellicia was a baby; this small dainty little thing and I fell in love right then with babies and I have never outgrown it. :) I was a kid of course and as such was more concerned with my own self, but I remember trying to teach Ellicia how to walk and holding her everyhwere I went. Which must have looked funny considering I was such a skinny 7-8 year old. I thought she was the cats' pajamas. Then Barbara came when I was ten and oh wow. This baby was so sweet. She hardly ever cried and we just adored her. I truly did carry this girl all the time. Even on trails when she was big enough to be walking. I could never say no to her. I still can't come to think of it. When she started talking we were all spellbound by her and the funny things she said. So serious, but so cute. but, alas she grew older so I assume I must have been 'baby' hunting when I found Danny.. or rather my sister Abby found Danny. The first time I saw Danny he was laying on his moms' waterbed. He must have been about three months old; but he looked like a brand new born. He was so small and sweet. I was 19 and was already getting the 'mother' bug so he was a great respite that I could enjoy a baby without actually getting married too young and having my own I rocked him and held him and I watched him grow everyday. I was in love once again :) then his parent's started having trouble and they fought alot. So they had me keep him overnight. THen I asked for him overnight. I wanted him all the time and they gave him to me so much because of their own troubles. I enjoyed being with him and he was an absolute delight. Well, hes' gone.. He is 12 years old this week. I know that I couldn't recognize him now. Ellicia's gone too.. She is in Ohio; but she might as well be on another planet. I don't know if I will ever see her. Barbara is gone too in a way; although I do see her.. I don't see 'her'.. I see someone else that she has become and I know that children grow up. I see it everday in my sisters'. So, maybe thats' why we cosleep, perhaps that is why I homeschool. I know already that this time is so fleeting and so quickly over. It is a wonderful time; but it can also be stressful. So I have to remind myself to just enjoy them and teach them. I wouldn't miss out on this for anything.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
actual mock up an ebay auction
little three and a half year old girl named Amelia seeks good home through ebay. She loves Jonas and She can count to ten and she knows her ABC's she is very funny and nice to everyone she meets. She is a joy to be around; you will be glad that your purchased such a great little girl. She comes with her cousin Jonas who is four years old. He is a good singer and he knows how to count to ten and his ABCs' also. He is a good boy and he is very happy. Jonas and Amelia come as a pair; w.e would really like to keep them together. They are best friends and they keep each other entertained. Jonas wants to be sold for seven dollars and Amelia wants to be sold for three dollars. So the total will be ten dollars; plus shipping. They will be shipped in a priority mail box in bubble wrap for protection.; I hope you enjoy your purchase.
note. Amelia and jonas both collaborated with me for this ebay auction adding the things they thought were pertinent to themselves. They asked to be kept together and they requested the box instead of envelope and bubble wrap so they don't get their heads bumped. Amelia wanted all to know she is funny and Jonas wanted it known that he liked to sing. Theyalso requested to be sold on ebay and the prices that they wanted to 'go for'.
little three and a half year old girl named Amelia seeks good home through ebay. She loves Jonas and She can count to ten and she knows her ABC's she is very funny and nice to everyone she meets. She is a joy to be around; you will be glad that your purchased such a great little girl. She comes with her cousin Jonas who is four years old. He is a good singer and he knows how to count to ten and his ABCs' also. He is a good boy and he is very happy. Jonas and Amelia come as a pair; w.e would really like to keep them together. They are best friends and they keep each other entertained. Jonas wants to be sold for seven dollars and Amelia wants to be sold for three dollars. So the total will be ten dollars; plus shipping. They will be shipped in a priority mail box in bubble wrap for protection.; I hope you enjoy your purchase.
note. Amelia and jonas both collaborated with me for this ebay auction adding the things they thought were pertinent to themselves. They asked to be kept together and they requested the box instead of envelope and bubble wrap so they don't get their heads bumped. Amelia wanted all to know she is funny and Jonas wanted it known that he liked to sing. Theyalso requested to be sold on ebay and the prices that they wanted to 'go for'.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Three year olds
I believe that the three year old is the happiest creature on earth. They are past the 'no' stage of two; but not quite to the 'I'm bored' stage of 4 and 5. They are just happy to 'be' to live.. To be alive. They can just giggle at themselves and run in circles and dance and be as silly as they want to be. There is nothing wrong with three year olds. They are the epitome of foot-loose and fancy free. They don't have a concern. They only want a mommy and a daddy and maybe a sibling or two. They are not afraid to dance or sin or run as fast they can. It's okay if they can't 'do' something immediately. No 'six year old' cries of 'I can't do it' for them For a three year old child knows that they are little. They are happy in the wonderful fact that indeed; they are small people.
The typical three year old is comfortable in their own skin and they love their bodies. They delight in having strong arms and legs. They know they are precious too. They will tell you right out how cute they are or how funny they are. People like to be around three year olds. They make us adults laugh; and we might get involved in a tickle session and before we know it we adults are as foolish looking(aka happy)as our adored three year olds.
Three year olds believe in God ; they are the little children that Jesus told us about. Be like the small child'.
They believe strongly in anything and faith is just taken for granted. They might not have the maturity to understand; but they have faith. Little children are born with faith.
Here's to three year olds!
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The typical three year old is comfortable in their own skin and they love their bodies. They delight in having strong arms and legs. They know they are precious too. They will tell you right out how cute they are or how funny they are. People like to be around three year olds. They make us adults laugh; and we might get involved in a tickle session and before we know it we adults are as foolish looking(aka happy)as our adored three year olds.
Three year olds believe in God ; they are the little children that Jesus told us about. Be like the small child'.
They believe strongly in anything and faith is just taken for granted. They might not have the maturity to understand; but they have faith. Little children are born with faith.

Here's to three year olds!
Shared with Flock - The Social Web Browser
Friday, April 4, 2008
Today is indeed a new day. I have my sisters' little boy 'Luke' over today because he spent the night last night. The kids have been doing really great and have just grand old time together; although the mess factor is a little higher then it is just my little ones. I am in the process of emptying out my tv room which is to become my 'inlaws' little apartment. There is still somethings in the bookshelves of the closets and on the floor that the kids are playing with; but, today I can see some real improvement. It is hard to find a place for things because Brian hasn't yet moved the stuff out of his old office (Mias' new bedroom) and into the upstairs which is his new office-hangout space- cave. so clothes are quite a mess right now while we wait for closets!
i can't believe that my danny will be 12 and my little sister will be 21 this tax day. Time just keeps marching on and so fast. That the baby I had the day before yesterday has lost his first tooth and the other baby is quickly too quickly turning into a bright eyed little girl. I have loved it though and I know that I am a born mother. I might stink at home management and I might be an embarrassment to Jehovah when it comes to upholding my promises to him (I'm working on it!) I know that I am a good mother. I know that my children are happy :) That I can feel good about; maybe I'm not as awesome as Kassandra with her whole making an ear in her kitchen thing.. (which is very cool , I just havne't tried it yet) but I do pretty darn well .
Time keep on moving; but I am going to hold my kids as much as I can before you take them from me and replace them with adults!
i can't believe that my danny will be 12 and my little sister will be 21 this tax day. Time just keeps marching on and so fast. That the baby I had the day before yesterday has lost his first tooth and the other baby is quickly too quickly turning into a bright eyed little girl. I have loved it though and I know that I am a born mother. I might stink at home management and I might be an embarrassment to Jehovah when it comes to upholding my promises to him (I'm working on it!) I know that I am a good mother. I know that my children are happy :) That I can feel good about; maybe I'm not as awesome as Kassandra with her whole making an ear in her kitchen thing.. (which is very cool , I just havne't tried it yet) but I do pretty darn well .
Time keep on moving; but I am going to hold my kids as much as I can before you take them from me and replace them with adults!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
It's eighteen years ago today. That I was babtized in symbolism of giving Jehovah my life and it would not be my own. How well have I lived up to this promise?.. I know I try; but.. Idon't know if it is enough.. or even close to enough.
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