My Joel (who henceforth has decided his name is 'Chicken' ) is sick and has been sick the last few days. He threw up Mon night and this afternoon. He was sent home from school on Tues and today I just kept him home from school. I wish that I didnt' have to send him to school. I really hope one day that I can teach my littles' just at home ; school has not become a bad influence as of yet on my lambs; but I know it will.
We are going to go to Ohio on Thursday for a wedding. Who's wedding? Brians' sister Karens' wedding. Do you want to see the dress Mia's going to wear? Too bad because Betty sent it to me in email and I have lost it in my email. *L* I looked for it I swear.. If Betty reads this could she sent me another pic of Mia's dress? thanks..
I have Jonas today. Abby is working and then shes' going to get decorations for Jonas' party.
Jonas is having his POTTY PARTY today@!
What a big boy :)
Since this is a 'no money' month for me I am giving him Joels' old scooter *L*.. poor me. He'll love it though. If only I can get Joel to not complain about giving it away.
So tomorrow we are going to Karens' wedding. We have the rehearsal on Friday and the rehearsal dinner then at 2 pm is karens' wedding my precious little monsters will go hand in hand down the aisle. They are going to be so cute. esp if Joel doesnt' like throw up or something on the way down *L*Karen is marrying a brother from Waverly so thats' where the wedding is going to be.
ALso Friday my abby is going to hear the heartbeats.. i mean heartbeat *L*.. I do love to torment her. Wouldnt' it be a suprise if it really was two heartbeats? Maybe I could have on then.. yeah right :)
I haven't been on here the last few days because of being sick, and tired, and being sick of being sick and tired, and being sick of Joel being sick, etc. :)
Then I'm going away again for the weekend.. You can't keep a party girl like me down huh? j/k
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