Looks like it's Ohio day and I have a ton of things to do. I need to take a bath.. no really I 'need' to *L* then I have to drive to Abbys' and get the camera, get a new dvd player because ours' broke and i have the receipt, get the clothes ready.
Kids four outfits each,
Mia very cute outfit for Fri. night rehearsal
.. oh yes i need to check the weather too!
I can't see what I am writing because there is my cat in the way, anyway .. I must have all of this packed for the trip, the car cleaned out and then we'll wait for Bri to wake up.
I think Monkey is going to the wedding too; with my mom and sis ellicia. pretty cool.
talk to you later
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monkey had his potty party!
Monkey had his party with shrek cupcakes and pizza. He received John Deere tractors with little poeple, he got a monkey hat, finger puppets, a scooter, an aqua doodle from his mommy, a few little cars, and I can't remember the rest. He had a good time and I think he felt like he achieved something tonight. His dad couldnt' make it because of this stomach flu that is attacking my family.
Our friends Stephanie and Dj had a new baby today. They already have a daughter named Kadence and now Kadence has a little brother named Lyric *sp?*Lyric was 7 lbs and something and was born at 2:30 pm.. they are doing great :)
Amelia got a new pair of shoes from her aunt Melissa. Aunt Melissa wanted to take Mia just them two, but Mia got upset and mommy had to come too. THe shoes are for Karens' wedding :) Shes' going to look so cute!
Rabbit and Monkey with sick Chicken
My Joel (who henceforth has decided his name is 'Chicken' ) is sick and has been sick the last few days. He threw up Mon night and this afternoon. He was sent home from school on Tues and today I just kept him home from school. I wish that I didnt' have to send him to school. I really hope one day that I can teach my littles' just at home ; school has not become a bad influence as of yet on my lambs; but I know it will.
We are going to go to Ohio on Thursday for a wedding. Who's wedding? Brians' sister Karens' wedding. Do you want to see the dress Mia's going to wear? Too bad because Betty sent it to me in email and I have lost it in my email. *L* I looked for it I swear.. If Betty reads this could she sent me another pic of Mia's dress? thanks..
I have Jonas today. Abby is working and then shes' going to get decorations for Jonas' party.
Jonas is having his POTTY PARTY today@!
What a big boy :)
Since this is a 'no money' month for me I am giving him Joels' old scooter *L*.. poor me. He'll love it though. If only I can get Joel to not complain about giving it away.
So tomorrow we are going to Karens' wedding. We have the rehearsal on Friday and the rehearsal dinner then at 2 pm is karens' wedding my precious little monsters will go hand in hand down the aisle. They are going to be so cute. esp if Joel doesnt' like throw up or something on the way down *L*Karen is marrying a brother from Waverly so thats' where the wedding is going to be.
ALso Friday my abby is going to hear the heartbeats.. i mean heartbeat *L*.. I do love to torment her. Wouldnt' it be a suprise if it really was two heartbeats? Maybe I could have on then.. yeah right :)
I haven't been on here the last few days because of being sick, and tired, and being sick of being sick and tired, and being sick of Joel being sick, etc. :)
Then I'm going away again for the weekend.. You can't keep a party girl like me down huh? j/k
Monday, August 27, 2007
Rabbit and Monkey
My mom , Abby, Jonas, Mia and I went to Brown Country State park yesterday and hiked. Amelia got pretty tired because we hiked for about two and a half miles or so. My sister Abby had the idea of Mia being a hopping rabbit and Jonas a monkey and you know they started jumping and running and we could hardly even keep up with them! *L* It is very helpful to put the children in a pretend situation instead of getting frustrated that they wont' 'move' another muscle *L*
We had a really good day and then my mom took us to a restaurant in Nashville, In *pretty close by* Then we went home and to bed.
This morning I didn't know if Joel was sick because he was kind of active sleeping last night.. moaning etc. so I didnt' want him to ride the school bus; but when he woke he really wanted to go to school so I took him adn he was tardy; but it did warm my heart to see how he went up to the kids in class and was like 'I missed the school bus , but now i am here' he loves school.. it's so cute.. Anyway, now BRian made Mia and I breakfast and then hes' going to bed again. I'll blog again later. Take care everyone :)
We had a really good day and then my mom took us to a restaurant in Nashville, In *pretty close by* Then we went home and to bed.
This morning I didn't know if Joel was sick because he was kind of active sleeping last night.. moaning etc. so I didnt' want him to ride the school bus; but when he woke he really wanted to go to school so I took him adn he was tardy; but it did warm my heart to see how he went up to the kids in class and was like 'I missed the school bus , but now i am here' he loves school.. it's so cute.. Anyway, now BRian made Mia and I breakfast and then hes' going to bed again. I'll blog again later. Take care everyone :)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thinking of someone else
I always feel like I have to think of someone else; or many someone elses' before I can make any decision. I believe that this is a good thing to think of someone else, but soemtimes I wish that I could just think of me.
For instance, I would love to go to the Indy Air Show.. airplanes flying around amzing stuff. My dad is taking my husband and young son; but as usual I am left out again. I am not complaining. .. well, I guess I am. I really do want to go; but money is tight this week and I know its' more important to Brian then it is to me. So I'll stay home.. Of course, don't I always? Ok.. sorry that was the bitterness from last post creeping in.
Another instance, my husband got these colts tickets and I love the colts; but low and behold when he asked if I wanted to go with him . I told him 'no honey you go ahead and take your buddy with ya' why did I do that? Just because I knew Bri would enjoy Donnys' company at a football game more then mine? Why can't I say the selfish thing and say 'sure give me the ticket see ya later'.. I always have to think about everyone else.. GRRR>> *L*
I really don't mind; it makes me feel good to knwo that others' are happy and its' not their fault that they don't think of me in the same mind. That is not totally giving if your expecting ANYTHING in return and I really am trying to be a 'joyful giver'
I guess thats' what this post is about; being a joyful giver. Cause there is no point in it otherwise. If you can't be joyful in your giving it isn't really really giving. So heres' to me 'Mrs. Joyful Giver 2007'
Loves yas
Friday, August 24, 2007
Some thoughts
Tonight I am home with two beautiful little girls. One my daughter and another my neighbors daughter; two happy little children playing dolls, and pretending to be kittens. I remember being little and 'imagining' at the drop of a hat; you just had to say it; or even think it and it would be there. It wasn't that long ago really, I remember having hope and I remember losing hope. I remember feeling bitter and alone and I remember finding love and thinking right then that would solve my aloneness, my bitterness.
Suprise, it didn't.. I was alone with myself. I was bitter with myself. Then when years into a marriage your mad because 'he' didnt' "solove" all that he was supposed to "solve" or FIX..
Laziness or maybe immaturity to look at a problem and think that the problem is always someone else and never ourselves. It is almost like looking a mirror and being mad at someone else for seeing a pimple, or fat rolls...
Lets' be mad at the right person. ourselves because we didnt' have the faith.. The faith that Jehovah will provide for us.. Jehovah will provide what is needed; he will not let us take on more then we can handle. He will help us.
It is so hard to feel so positive when so much negativity is still on the surface. So starting today I am going to have hope again and I am going to rebuild my faith. When I am feeling alone I will not look at my children or my husband and think 'why are they not making me unlonely'? I will go and be proactive.. I will help someone and learn to open my heart up to love again.
Why is love so hard to open up to? and why does it look so easy when your falling falling falling in it? I guess thats' why they call it 'falling' and not climbing' or considering, or deciding :)
anyway.. enough of me :)
I think I know what a migraine headache feels like now
I wokeup this morning with the most awful headache in the world; it was right under my eyebrows and it was excruciating! I couldn't see I couldn't move, Briand came home from work and had to lead me to bed an turn off all the lights I don't remember anything afte rthat but he said he gave me tyenol and milk too. Thank goodness! Brian also got Joel on the school bus; which I couldn't have done on my own. He had played with mia and made a big batch of pancakes when I was able to awaken two hours later. Wow, I had no idea people suffered that much when they had migraines!! I am glad it is mostly over; I just have some pain in the back of my head and a fogginess.
Amelia is finally feeling better; she was really whiny and sick last night; but she woke up this morning ready to go. I'm glad shes' all better.
I made a new friend on my forum that I go to. Shes' a Jehovahs' Witness too; it makes my heart glad to see someone that I know. I love that about the truth that no matter if we know them or not.. We know our brothers and sisters all over the world!
Have a good day!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
this afternoon
The rant I wrote on breastfeeding I also shared in a forum and people got so upset that they had to lock the thread.
Hmm.. I must be a controversial person! Amazing.. absolutely amazing.. I have to start thinking of myself in a whole new way.. Jessica the trouble maker.. Yeah.. I kind of like that *L*
Amelia woke up from her morning nap, hasn't thrown up again , but was sick the other way a couple times and now shes' down for another nap. Poor little miss.. :(
Jonas snuck outside while I was putting Amelia to sleep; but I caught him the sneakly little sucker *L* He also is doing perfect with going pee in the potty so I think hes' having a potty party in his imminent future. *L* probably next wed. your all invited *L*
Thats' all for now..
Jessica the troublemaker
A comment on breastfeeding
I don't know why I decided to mention this right now or this way; but after having two of our friends say they did 'everything' to nurse, but they just 'couldn't'.. I just want to comment a minute and say. Nursing is very hard, in the beginning it will take all of your strength and you have to REALLY believe that it is the BEST and ONLY thing for your child. If you do not believe this you will NOT be a sucess at it because it isn't easy.. It can be painful, it can be worrisome when it looks like your baby isn't getting as fat as the formula fed babies, it is exhausting. BUT... IT is also so nurturing, it is the most peaceful part of any day, it is a matter of pride that you can do the best for your baby and see your not as fat baby perhaps pass through without ear infection . etc. while those fat formula fed babies are sick more, you can feel good about the close relationship you have with your little one, you can lay nursing your baby and feel close to Jehovah and happier in that moment then you have ever felt before.
(I am not saying that formula moms' aren't happy; I am just saying that breast feeding brings a serenity that most people miss out on)
The reasons to nurse is vast;fight infection, closeness with mom, strength of character, and last but not least.. and this if for you hard core nursers out there. When your strong, able bodied, climbing, swinging, abc reciting, three year old stops to nurse and her little mouth starts to suck and you see that complete calmness and peacefulness come over her.. When she smiles at you when shes' done and says 'thanks mommy' you thank Jehovah for this gift that he has given us women..
The abilty to nurse and provide for our little nurslings. :) If you look at nursing as an obligation.. Or if you look at nursing as a gift from God.. IT will make all the difference.
Regardless of when you stop nursing you will always have those memories of peace, calmness, and relaxation and you'll remember how very very quickly those 'babes in arms' grow up. There is no turning backwards, only forwards so let everyone do the best that they can do with what and whom they have. :)
my rant is over.. thank you!
My girl is sick :(
Amelia has caught the bug; she woke up this morning vomiting and has twice since then and its' only 9 am! I left her for a few minutes asleep with dad. We put Joel on the bus today and we are trying to get him to let Ashton on the bus first because every morning he goes on first and will actually have his arm out so Ashton can't get on the bus first. Brian had to hold him back this morning.. It's like he sees that bus and all bets are off! There must be a magnet in him that attracts him that strongly to the bus *L*
On a second thought; why does no one ever leave me any messages about my posts or just to say hello? does anyone read my ramblings? I am not saying they are worth reading, but if you want you can leave me a little message or something!
Ok, No more complaining! I hope that Mia isn't sick every hour on the hour like she is normally when shes' sick!
Have a good day!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Time for bed sleepyheads!

No, don't touch, don't put that in your sisters' hair, you have to have a spoon to eat the noodles, set that down, dont' cry, no your not sick, your sleepy, ok we're going to bed when joels' done with his noodles, no Joel don't feed the cat your noodles! and on and on.... ad infinitum..
Evenings are nice when they are quiet and peaceful.. Well, you know as peaceful as you can get with bam bam and twinkle toes around *L*so we've ate our 'midnight snack' as Joel likes to call it and we are ready for bed.. I am ready for a bright new day without anyone fighting and no sickness. So sleep well and to everyone a great tomorrow!
Coming (slowly) back to earth.. beep beep beep blip

I have been dead in the world of porcelain and soft bedding for almost a week. I have raised my head out and looked around. I hope everythings about the same ! Is the president still Bush? ohh.. mahn!!! *L* My kids don't look too much different.. maybe a little skinnier from me not feeding them.. (JUST KIDDING!) so probably not too much time has passed.
cute little song I found through a forum about kids bedtime. *L*
anyway.. i can't write long as I feel like yuckie :(
I hope your feeling better then I!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Stomach Flu and 4 in the morning
Being sick is not fun. Perhaps I havne't been sick in awhile and I might have forgotten that. I have been queasy and up every half hour with the stomach flu tonight. It does help with that baby question.. 'want one or not?' because being preggers makes me sick every SINGLE day.. And.. I don't like being sick.. not to say that children are not worth it.. They are worth being sick everyday.. or any other kind of torture I have to live through to have their sweet soft little bodies. It's just that I would rather not be.. uhmm tortured right now :) So I thank you dear stomach flu for reminding me of this fact.
I took a three hour nap yesterday evening and woke up at about four this morning with bad cramping and the like. So here it is almost seven and I am tired; queasy and I miss my Brian. He will be home in a half n hour or so and I'lll be so glad to see him.. He always takes care of me when I am sick.. as long as I don't stay sick too long of course :)
My little children are asleep in the bed and they are so cute and small. I am not ready for them to begin this next stage of life.. This childhood.. I was doing great with my 'babies' but no one could mistake them for babies anymore. Well, maybe Mia when shes' throwing a fit *L* Anyway the next five years isi going to bring so many changes in my littles... Joel is already showing reading readiness and Mia knows her alphabet.. Ah well.. this stage will be fun too eh?
Sunday, August 19, 2007
This morning and French toast

I didn't wake up until 12:30 this morning which is a goodthing because I have just been sooo exhausted lately! After I woke up I made the kids some french toast and then we all went out to pick tomatoes. I have some kind of animal that eats like two bites off of my tomatoes and leaves them on the stem; but I sitll had about ten or so to pick. Then I went inside and worked on my 'links' for my blog. I hope you like them! The kids are watching dr. suess ' where is my mother' , 'go dog go', and 'the best nest' video. They really like that. I think Joel is getting close to knowing how to read. He recognizes all the letters in a word. It's just a matter of sounding it all out. etc... IT is so amazing how fast that they learn!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Eventful evening -poor Mia- nice morning
Last night the kids and I settled down to watch 'Harry and the Hendersons' does anyone remember this movie? It is soo cute! With 'bigfoot' and everything my children were enthralled and even scared sometimes. I watched it (probably the last time I watched it) when I was a child and I remember loving it and I was glad to see my kittens had the same reaction; everything was going nice and peaceful until.. du duh duhhh.. *scary music follows*
Amelia bumped her head on my knee when she was playing and promptly passed out! Now anyone that knows us.. irl knows about this little issue Mia has about passing out. Shes' been doing this since she was one years old anytime she gets hit in the head. I did not freak out as much as I have in the past.. I just went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water over her head.. she woke for a minute and then passed back out so I did it again. This time she sputtered and cried.. Joel came at this minute from the bathroom as he had ran to get water for his baby sis when it happened.. He is such a good big brother :)
So I called Bri at work and I looked up so info on how to minimize swellling of bruises and applied and onion poulitice and a moistened tea bag on her little head while we watched the end of the movie. I didn't want her to go straight to sleep in case of a concussion.. So anyway, the bruise doesn't look too bad this morning.. I think the poulitces helped.. I am so glad too because in two weeks shes' going to be in my sister in laws' wedding.
This morning I made eggs and bacon and we sat at the table at ate; of course the stinkin' smoke alarm went off while I was making breakfast and Brian opened the door and said 'yes'? you called?" *L* now the kids are playing in their pretend kitchen and I just finished loading the dishes in the dishwasher..
I think I am going to take the tykes to an apple orchard this afternoon. BUT FIRST I have to get the sitting room completley cleaned! ahh! *L*
Friday, August 17, 2007
Walking is good for you; unless you walk to buy doughnuts
Ahh.. sleep!
My most wonderful husband forfeit sleep of his own when.. as we were watching a movie together.. I fell alseep.. He took off my glasses, he turned off the movie and the lights and quietly went to another part of the house and I enjoyed two hours of blissful sleep.. Hooray for husbands!!!
Gym, grocery, lunch, then home again
This morning I woke up very industrious! I sent Joel off to school and then decided I wanted to go to the gym! I called Mel, and then Abby. Abby decided she wouldcome too so off Amelia and I went! I worked out on an exercise machine for a fifteen minutes; then Abby came and went to the pool where we swam and talked for a while. :) Afterwards we checked out this new grocery store thats' like Sams' club, but without a membership. I really liked that place, but coudlnt' buy anything this week!
Then Abby took me out to lunch at .. I forget the name, but its' like subway, but 'toasted..'? hmm.. I just lost it. Anyway it was very good; but Amelia and Jonas were BAAAAAAD! *l* they didn't sit still; they spit up their cheese sticks and fought over the 'broken' cookie. *rolls eyes* Anyway, now I am home again and I am about to buckle down and clean this HOUSE! Unless I can find some other way to procrastinate.. J/K!~~ I am going to fix the 'Luke and Vinnie' mess *L* ok ok.. my kids helped too..
Oh yess. I almost forgot what Joel did at school today. Everyday the children have a 'letter' where the write the letter over and over and draw a picture of something thta begins with that 'letter'.. well todays' letter was 'P'.. and my Joel drew........ pee!.. as in urine.. and he made it yellow.... oh I am soo sooo soo proud of my little artist *LOL*
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The kids' are gone and I'm down for a little 'me' time
Melissa picked up her munchkins early today so I have a little time while Mia is sleepy with her daddy and Joel is watching Muzzy I have a little time to rest myself or maybe read a book or 'gasp'!!study for tonights lesson in the Revelation book!
Today it was pretty ordinary. No children got severely hurt; Brian picked up Luke from kindergarten. Joel didn't have school today. I worked with Joel on most of his homework. They watched Lelo and Stitch, they played kitchen, Luke and Mia played with stuffed bears and they swam in the little pool. All in all a pretty good day. Brian made Manwich, macaroni, and tator tots for lunch and chocolate pudding for dessert. No big ramblings today.. just quiet thoughts.
Another busy day
Today we are going to have my sister Melissa's children while she is at work. I am blessed with Vinnie at almost eleven and then soon after I pick up Lukas from school at 11:25. I haven't picked Luke up from school yet; so I hope that I do okay. I think I can find it good enough. I don't know whether I should clean the tv room or not from Jonas being over yesterday since Vinnie and Luke will just mess it up again. hmmmm..Perhaps if I just have the sitting room cleaned and the kitchen I can work on the tv room tomorrow and the weekend.
Can you tell that i am really trying to keep up? I am trying so hard to make Brian proud of me and happy with me; it seems to be working in most ways so I continue to 'try' :)
This weekend Brian has to work; I am going to miss him and weekends working is always harder on him then in the middle of the week working because of the three twelve hour days in a row; but we'll make it. I do have a wonderful family.
more thoughts on this later :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
At Grandmas'
This evening we are at my moms' house and all the kids are here. Luke isn't feeling well and laying by me, Joel is sitting on the couch for an indefinite period for kicking, Vinnie, Mia and Jonas are all playing in the sitting room going round and round and making alot of noise! Abbys' sitting on the couch and shes' telling us that she can feel movement already even though shes' supposed to be only like 8 weeks along. I think shes' more like 13.,but that's just me. Ellicia's sitting next to Luke and me and shes' watching ssx snowboarding ps2. Brian keeps bugging me to talk to Joel so I'd better get off in a minute and talk to my little man. I had a pretty good afternoon. I went to my neighbors house and watched a movie while her cable man was there. Anyway, I will talk to you laterz.
His name is Jonas
This morning as we took Joel to the school bus. Abby dropped off little Jonas. Of course the first thing Jonas did was doo doo in his pants which was really awful because he must be sick or something. Brian took Jonas and bathed him and I cleaned the floor and ceiling J/k *L* ANyway, Jonas is fine now and Amelia woke up shortly after so Mia and Jonas have been playing together all morning. I do have to go to the post office to drop off an ebay thing and then we'll be back to wait for Joel to come home from school. Right now the dynamic duo are giggling and running through the house. I have no idea what they are up to! Ah Ha they were in the little bathroom playing in the water. Well, of course they wouldn't giggling if they were getting into something!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Went to Meijer

After Brian left for work we walked to Meijer for some bread, bologna, and a little debbie snack. The kids loved going on the walk and loved the snack waiting for them at home even more. They are now watching leap frog 'learn your letters' video and I am on the internet right before bed. I hope they all go to sleep pretty well. Jaimie will be coming to pick up Leah around midnight or so; I hope that I wake up for that! Thats' about it on this side of the world. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow!
Busy day here in Indy
I am babysitting my neighbors little girl "aleah'? Shes' the same age as Amelia and shes' as cute as a button. Where Mia is blonde and curly and soft, Leah is burnette with straight long hair and thin . They go great together and they are so cute! Amelia doesn't get to play with little girls' very much with all the nephews in her little world so I think she is on cloud nine! They have played 'kitchen', dollies' blocks, and now they are watching a little people video. Busy day when your three eh?
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