Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 be gone w/ YA

I laugh in the face of 2009; it is gone and it is history. The petite mal seizures that were yesterday, (so to speak) the misery of everyday nausea that ended in the birth of my beautiful young son. All history. I begin 2010 with laughter, peace, and quiet. My husband was upstairs with the children watching star trek and I and my newborn asleep beside me; We watched Julie and Julia; and it was such a happy peaceful movie. I am going to have a good year this year. This year we began at home and as a family. Slightly larger then the year before, but then again that can only be good right? I am glad that 2009 ended and I hope that next year I have more health at this point then I did this year. I was pretty sick from pregnancy all year and I actually gave up through Aug until Betty came and saved me in November. I thank goodness for her and her good will. Pull me out of my sickness and slumber into the world of the living once more and in time for my baby boy. I learned that worry can make you sick, and I learned that there is no point in giving upl the world just keeps twirling whether you make an appearance or not. I learned I need people, and friends.. but not dramatic ones. I need peace in my life and i have decided to fight for it. (if that makes sense) this year I am going to not give up, just because I am sick for months from pregnancy, or the flu and back pains. or whatever life throws at me this year. I do not live this life for anyonebut my babies, Jehovah and myself and IF I can please most of them, I am doing well. I am going to push on and I am going to make my goals. 2010.. BRING IT ON

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