Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Childrens' Musuem

Abby had her ultrasound today and I got to watch baby 'Ruggles' swimming around in 'it's' mommys' tummy. Jonas is very proud and says "watch my baby Jessie" and Amelia wanted to Abby to know " If you let me hold the baby I won't drop 'em; I'll be really careful" Joel wanted to know more specifics "How big is the baby now?" Is it a boy or a girl" etc. :) Afterwards we went to the Childrens' Museum and had a pretty good time ; we were only there for about three hours. We went to the glass blown exhibit, the aquarium area with the fish outfits and video camera for the kids to 'swim' , through the eygptian cave, we saw a planetarium show on 'star wars' , the we went upstairs to 'playscape' . Immediately there was story time with brown bear and what do you see; the children all partcipated wonderfully :) Then it was off to put sand in their hair! The last even of the day was the carousel ; although they only wanted to go on that once. Then it was off home again. When I got the car back to Bri ; the kids were both asleep and they haven't woken up yet at almost 8 pm! It is nice to have the evening to myself though :)


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