Sunday, September 30, 2007

I made it through our special assembly day.. whew

What a long day! My five year old acted like a three year old and my three year old stayed par for the course. There was fidgeting, whispering, slight fighting. we had tomato staking in the bathroom with me making them stand against the wall for minutes with a paddle in one hand. *L* but we made it through and I got something out of it even. That all this hard work that we have with our kids is worth it. That we do have to keep trying and trying and someday they will say.. or at least Jehovah will say 'Job well done'..

Btw during the song; when your five year old starts singing 'blah blah blah' *really* really loud. You don't really get struck by lightening; in case anyone was wondering. I think its' time to teach him to read.

oh well, another day.. another day.. have a good one all

1 comment:

Lafantasma said...

LOL I know EXACTLY what you're going through! We just had our two day over here, and I think I heard about 20 minutes of it. I always remind myself, "If I don't put in the hard work now, they'll still behave like this when they're 8!" Glad to hear you were refreshed. Sleep tight!