What a long day! My five year old acted like a three year old and my three year old stayed par for the course. There was fidgeting, whispering, slight fighting. we had tomato staking in the bathroom with me making them stand against the wall for minutes with a paddle in one hand. *L* but we made it through and I got something out of it even. That all this hard work that we have with our kids is worth it. That we do have to keep trying and trying and someday they will say.. or at least Jehovah will say 'Job well done'..
Btw during the song; when your five year old starts singing 'blah blah blah' *really* really loud. You don't really get struck by lightening; in case anyone was wondering. I think its' time to teach him to read.
oh well, another day.. another day.. have a good one all
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
My lovely little helping pumpkins
My kids out of the blue just informed me
"mommy, we are cleaning up the living room so you don't have to do it"
Then they were picking up and cleaning for about ten minutes. They are such good children sometimes.
of course then it started Joel "Mom, Mia isn't helping as much as me"
Mia "yes I am"
Joel "she doesn't like helping like I like helping'
Mia "I am helping right now" "Mommy, Joels' being mean to me"
oh well, they were good for a minute
Now Mia has come back in here and shes' cleaning up ; Joel isn't in here though so I guess Mia won? *L*
This is a video of Joel yesterday morning. and my pregnant sis complaining; sorry i don't know how to edit videos
"mommy, we are cleaning up the living room so you don't have to do it"
Then they were picking up and cleaning for about ten minutes. They are such good children sometimes.
of course then it started Joel "Mom, Mia isn't helping as much as me"
Mia "yes I am"
Joel "she doesn't like helping like I like helping'
Mia "I am helping right now" "Mommy, Joels' being mean to me"
oh well, they were good for a minute
Now Mia has come back in here and shes' cleaning up ; Joel isn't in here though so I guess Mia won? *L*
This is a video of Joel yesterday morning. and my pregnant sis complaining; sorry i don't know how to edit videos
Beautiful day; what to do what to do?
I could
clean the tv room
clean the bathroom
read with the computer the rest of Genesis
enjoy the beautiful day with my wonderful children
watch tv
Choices, choices choices.. :)
I should clean one room and then go outside with my kids. Ok, that's what I'm going to do with the rest of my day. Thanks for the pep talk :)
Neato neato
This is so cool. If you have the bible on audio on your computer you can use this free program http://bbalet.free.fr/LiveBibleReading/download_0_2_0.html and it will read it to you and at the same time the bible chaper is there on your computer and it highlights the part that its' reading to you. It is such a nice way to get your bible reading done.. I am almost done with Genesis and I've learned alot. If you have any questions about setting it up please ask me and I'll do my best to help you since I just set it up myself.
Friday, September 28, 2007
ER and CSI : Don't read if you havent' watched!!!!!!! Spoilers *L*
I have a dvr and.. ohh ER was pretty good last night; I was really worried about Neela (well, not really, but I love a good story) :) but I think she's going to make it. It kind of droned on and on some without a real story behind it, but perhaps that is just to get some background for the next story. I think ER has done that alot before.
Now CSI on the other hand.. I was so sure that Sara was going to be found dead. Then we she finally opens her eyes and see Grissom.. Ohh.. how sweet. :) I think Grissom looks alot older then he did last season? What do you think?
I have Without a Trace on dvr, but I haven't watched it yet. I really like that show too, but Cold Case is just about my favorite of 'that' type of show. The music on there is always so dramatic.
On a much more spiritual note, I have the bible on audio and it is just so nice.. I cleaned the living room yesterday and had the proverbs going. It was so encouraging to me. It really kept me going and I enjoyed cleaning even. I kept thinking to myself when I heard more scriptures "Yep, that is sooo true" Anyway, it was really nice and I am even listening to it right now.
Amelia is awake, but Joel isn't yet. We are on Fall break right now so Joel doesn't have to go back to school until Oct. 22 .. Our school is 'year round'.. which means nine weeks on; three weeks off; except for summer where you get five weeks off. I think..
Amelia has all of her little stuffed 'babies' in a row thats about ten feet long and shes' in the process of getting pretend food at the feet of every baby. It's kind of cute; I think shes' practicing to either have 'alot' of children or a cafeteria worker at a instutition of some kind. :)
Thats' all for now :)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
another note about my table. It also has a section that goes in there to make the table bigger and it has another chair too, but my kitchen is small :( I want to make everything white and then stencil or paint cherries and make my kitchen 'cherries' :) I think that will be fun. but my husband never lets me just do stuff on my own and I have to wait on him! *pout* :)
Jessies' new table :)
Heres' my new table! Now.. I still have to paint it and paint the bench with it.. but I am just so happy with a quality piece of furniture.. and I like how it's an octagon. :) here it is!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I 'found' my table today!
I found the neatest table at goodwill... i wish i had taken a picture of it.. it is eight sided? I think.. and has a take out middle part to it and it has three chairs and it's painted white.. it is so .. so perfect for me.. i don't know how i'll convince bri that its' perfect though.. what i want to do is keep the corner bench for one side and put the chairs around on the toher side.. and you know paint the bench part white too; all of this for fifty bucks if.. if it is still there when we try to get it tomorrow
my dear little daughter is irritating me tonight.. all voer me and messing things up. I have to get more 'on top' with her.. because she will be very willfull if mommy isn't stopping it. :)
my dear little daughter is irritating me tonight.. all voer me and messing things up. I have to get more 'on top' with her.. because she will be very willfull if mommy isn't stopping it. :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
busy weekend :)
On Saturday we were invited to our friends' house for a 'kids' get together there was like twenty kids there and it went really well. Then we went to Abby house and there were like sven people I didn't know and I had a blast.. ohh.. they were really loud.. I just sat back and listened.. it was funny... Then yesterday we had meeting and went out to eat and then to Melissa's house .. so.. busy busy busy!
Mia played with another little girl her age that was also named Mia at Abbys' house.. it was so cute!! The other Mia did everything my Mia did.. including climbing all over me. Everyone said I was 'mothe goose' in the flesh the way the children always clamor on me :)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Tired ;
Joel had some trouble at school lately that has been frustrating; just some common not paying attention and I think his bus driver doesn't like him so I am going to pick him up everyday now. I would have been anyway, but he loves the riding the bus so much.. Thank you so much for your comment Kassandra it is so nice to have a friend like you :)
I was invited to a friends house tomorrow at three so I am feeling a little better about the whole thing which is a good thing. I hope that I dont' freeze up with all those women, but am just friendly and interested in what they say.
I am feeling better today, but I did not get enough sleep last night; I believe it was because the kids went to sleep and I was just happy to get some time on my own last night. ALso Brian has been having to work for a guy at his work thats' sick so hes' done like 6 twelve hour shifts this week! Hes' getting tired too.
Anyway, I hope you hve a wonderful weekend :)
I was invited to a friends house tomorrow at three so I am feeling a little better about the whole thing which is a good thing. I hope that I dont' freeze up with all those women, but am just friendly and interested in what they say.
I am feeling better today, but I did not get enough sleep last night; I believe it was because the kids went to sleep and I was just happy to get some time on my own last night. ALso Brian has been having to work for a guy at his work thats' sick so hes' done like 6 twelve hour shifts this week! Hes' getting tired too.
Anyway, I hope you hve a wonderful weekend :)
Monday, September 17, 2007
Insomnia and a cold
Just so you know; probably I never will never get better *L* I have had stomach flu, and colds on top of colds. Right now I have a cold, but I know it is only because I couldn't sleep *at all* for two days straight; I was trying to get back on my right meds (anti dep and sleeping) and it got a little messed up the last few weeks. I didnt' have the sleeping one and I took the anti dep at night for two nights and I looked like this
when my husband came home from work Sunday morning. He made me go to bed ( i think he was a little scared) *L* So I slept from noon to five and then to bed at nine and I think I'm caught up again. I was just so.. nervous. tapping and being intense.. I am glad I am feeling more normal today

Friday, September 14, 2007
Of pizza and detergent
I guess my mil can't come to Indy this weekend with my sisters' abbys' mil :( I was actually looking forward to seeing her again. We have been doing okay lately. I have been trying to up on my bible reading and am seeing an improvement already. With my littles' sick I have been getting depressed lately; I wish that home school was an option because it sure does keep the germies away. The children are feeling better though ; they both woke up feeling just great so I am glad for that.
Brian just came back from Sams' club with some kind of meat, landry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and a pizza for lunch :)
yay for hubbies!
Have a good day :)
Brian just came back from Sams' club with some kind of meat, landry detergent, dishwasher detergent, and a pizza for lunch :)
yay for hubbies!
Have a good day :)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Children are sick again
I really don't think I can handle public school; my kiddoes have been sick so much this month and it's only the first month :( now they have this awful cough, sore throat, and scratchy voices with a fever. I had to miss the co tonight because they couldn't go ; they are coughing so much it's ridiculous *L* I am having a pity party for myself today cause sometimes nothin' feels right.
Ok, tomorrow I am going to finish cleaning the kitchen . I have stated a goal and i will fullfill it; that's how youfeel better right? *L*
Ok so I will try this and try not arguing with my husband tomorrow. He gets tired and I am 'short' with him.. argh.. sorry for griping on a blog.. silly me :)
have a good day tomorrow all!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Went to meeting COUGH COUGH
Apparently my children are sick. they coughed every minute of the meeting and ran their snotty noses all over me. I was so embarrassed because we sat next to a friend of ours that just had a baby last week and here I was with two sick kiddoes.. GRRR..
My cousin had her baby this morning Ainsley Alivia Lacey eight lbs 2 oz.
Hooray for new babies !!!!
i have forgotten to post
Hello there and good afternoon! I now and the proud owner of 'dish network satellite tv' i can watch any show I want and hbo and something else is free for three months. You probably won't be seeing anymore of me because I'll be watching my 'shows'.. erghh.. I mean I'll be 'cleaning'.. yeaaaah.. cleaning! *grin* anyway, I want to thank my delight dear husband for letting me have tv back and I promise to take care of it and love it and feed it take it on walks.
Also on another note; our Circuit Overseer is going to be there tonight. He is new and I am excited. It is always exciting when we get a new one. Brian can't make it because of work :( I think I am going to take the recorder and make him the talk though because I am such an awesome wife and I would hate for him to miss any 'neato smeato' spiritual information.
I really really want to go out in service tomorrow. I am going to have Jonas, but that's not really a deterrent because hes' a pretty good like blondie. I am just going to buckle down and get r done. or try :)
anyway, now Joel my dear has a bit of a cold.. coughing and sneezing :( hes' laying in his bed watching diego from his new (old) tv! yay! my poor little sick'em that never gets well..
Good thing hes' cute or I'd have to send for another.
Also on another note; our Circuit Overseer is going to be there tonight. He is new and I am excited. It is always exciting when we get a new one. Brian can't make it because of work :( I think I am going to take the recorder and make him the talk though because I am such an awesome wife and I would hate for him to miss any 'neato smeato' spiritual information.
I really really want to go out in service tomorrow. I am going to have Jonas, but that's not really a deterrent because hes' a pretty good like blondie. I am just going to buckle down and get r done. or try :)
anyway, now Joel my dear has a bit of a cold.. coughing and sneezing :( hes' laying in his bed watching diego from his new (old) tv! yay! my poor little sick'em that never gets well..
Good thing hes' cute or I'd have to send for another.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
camping is wet
If you have never been camping when it is pouring out; you are in for a real treat for this very thing happened to me this weekend. Friday we packed and left and had a pretty good time Fri evening and Sat. On Sat. we went to the beach and played in the water; Mia and Jonas stayed on the beach part for about two hours ; they never moved; just pouring and dumping, dumping and pouring. Joel wandered around with his super hero sounds while my mom and I talked. When we came back Amelia was feeling hot so we put her in the tent to rest; Brian fell asleep but Mia didn't *L* So Brian stayed asleep most of the day and on thru even when it started raining. It started raining around 3pm and it didn't stop until Sunday morning at six am! well, it stopped for a few minutes in between; but youget the idea! The problem with rain and feeling wet and soggy is that people get short tempered and cranky, water is spilling on you from the tarp, people become more annoying and smores are a sad sad joke; I put the children in the car with a movie and we adults played gin rummy and it got a little better then; but Abby and I were tired so off to bed with us. The others stayed up later and played an elec. game; I forget what its' called. This morning we basiclly got up and started packing and here we are. Brian has been sleeping since we came back; I have done two loads of laundry, dishes, cleaned and dried the tarp that the tent was on, played with the children, put mia to sleep, took a nap and a bath. *not at the same time* now it's about 6:30; I have to get Joels' stuff together for school tomorrow.
Have a pleasant evening!
Friday, September 7, 2007
it's a new day :)
Today is going to be another doozy; well maybe not; I do have to get camping supplies together, I do have Jonas until three, I am going camping this weekend. I hope it doesnt' rain the whole time! Apparently only one person out there reads my blog so to that person I will say I hope you have a great weekend too :)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Tired so short
Busy day with my sister Abby; shopping for pants for Joel, went to meeting, watched half of football. have Jonas for the night; .. let's go to sleep :)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Childrens' Musuem
Abby had her ultrasound today and I got to watch baby 'Ruggles' swimming around in 'it's' mommys' tummy. Jonas is very proud and says "watch my baby Jessie" and Amelia wanted to Abby to know " If you let me hold the baby I won't drop 'em; I'll be really careful" Joel wanted to know more specifics "How big is the baby now?" Is it a boy or a girl" etc. :) Afterwards we went to the Childrens' Museum and had a pretty good time ; we were only there for about three hours. We went to the glass blown exhibit, the aquarium area with the fish outfits and video camera for the kids to 'swim' , through the eygptian cave, we saw a planetarium show on 'star wars' , the we went upstairs to 'playscape' . Immediately there was story time with brown bear and what do you see; the children all partcipated wonderfully :) Then it was off to put sand in their hair! The last even of the day was the carousel ; although they only wanted to go on that once. Then it was off home again. When I got the car back to Bri ; the kids were both asleep and they haven't woken up yet at almost 8 pm! It is nice to have the evening to myself though :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sick sic Lukie
Poor little Lukas K. sick as dog and twice as cute I hope my little Luke will feel better soon.
I watched Luke today and he was sick. His mommy came and got him and I hope he feels better soon.
I let the other kids play on the 'slip and slide' alhtough there was more slipping and less sliding; they still had a pretty goodtime. Meanwhile we woke Bri up from his sleep and the Brian came and watched Luke inside while I watched the other three outside until Mel came back from work . Shes' taking Luke to med check; I hope hes' feeling better soon.
Mia is complaining now.. "momma, I am very sick even the town is sick momma" *L* silly three year old. Ciao
Monday, September 3, 2007
I am only writing this because I am procastinating
I need to clean the tv room. I am procastinating. I don't want to clean it. I will.. I will.. but.. of course I need to 'blog' first right? Of course right!
I havne't done much today. I talked to some neighbors.. These poor people have four kids and they are living in a tent .. I let the man mow my grass for 25 bucks.. and I gave them about eight outdoors toys.. Three bikes, a climbing toy, a little rocking toy.. I am so glad that my husband has a good job and takes care of us.. We are so fortunate. I love my husband and I love how he takes care of us.. I love him so much I am getting off of this time waster and CLEANING THE TV ROOM!!!
I really am.. well,, maybe you guys want to see a picture first?
OH okay.. heres' a pic!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
no pics yet ; but..
Yes my littles' were in a wedding and yes they were soo cute. I was very honored that Karen wanted my children in the wedding and I think it went really well. The rehearsal on Fri night was very very long and Rabbit was getting tired towards the end; the dinner was really squished. Sat we were up bright and early and when we made it to the hall; immediately a giant cupcake dress was thrust upon poor unsuspecting Rabbit! Her hair was done up in a pony tail with curls and a tiara. The dress was a little big; sizes are difficult; esp if the people picking out the dress dont' see the child very much, but she still looked very sweet in it.
Chicken was wearing his black suit with a bright pink big boy tie. They seemed to have alot of trouble staying still before the wedding; but when the wedding started they were as good as gold! Mia held her bros' hand and in her other hand was her little flower basket; they stopped at the right spot for the pics then continued to where I was sitting and at first Joel sat where the maid of honor was to sit; but I moved him down one. *L* Then the beautiful bride came down the aisle just as radiant as a bride can be. She looked so happy and excited.. poor unsuspecting soul.. j/k!
They had the wedding talk and the speaker made a mess of things because he had accidently burned his talk! He forgot the prayer, the kiss, fumbled alot of the rest. but it was good anyway. :)
After the wedding part was over I was with the 'wedding party' because of the kids and Amelia didn't want to walk anymore so i had to pick her up and walk up the aisle. She then turned pretty stubborn so we couldnt' get the pics with Karen.
The wedding reception was just beautiful. I don't think it could have been any prettier! There were lights and music and a huge dance floor.. It was just perfect and the whole day really couldnt' have been better. I am glad that it was so nice. :)
The whole weekend was pretty nice although I can't remember much. I was pretty tired... I know we went to the Ruggles and saw my mom and Jonas, Ellica and Justin.. I know that El and Justin are looking to move back to Jackson so they can have a baby *NOT IN THE CITY*.. That's all I can remember for now :0
Chicken was wearing his black suit with a bright pink big boy tie. They seemed to have alot of trouble staying still before the wedding; but when the wedding started they were as good as gold! Mia held her bros' hand and in her other hand was her little flower basket; they stopped at the right spot for the pics then continued to where I was sitting and at first Joel sat where the maid of honor was to sit; but I moved him down one. *L* Then the beautiful bride came down the aisle just as radiant as a bride can be. She looked so happy and excited.. poor unsuspecting soul.. j/k!
They had the wedding talk and the speaker made a mess of things because he had accidently burned his talk! He forgot the prayer, the kiss, fumbled alot of the rest. but it was good anyway. :)
After the wedding part was over I was with the 'wedding party' because of the kids and Amelia didn't want to walk anymore so i had to pick her up and walk up the aisle. She then turned pretty stubborn so we couldnt' get the pics with Karen.
The wedding reception was just beautiful. I don't think it could have been any prettier! There were lights and music and a huge dance floor.. It was just perfect and the whole day really couldnt' have been better. I am glad that it was so nice. :)
The whole weekend was pretty nice although I can't remember much. I was pretty tired... I know we went to the Ruggles and saw my mom and Jonas, Ellica and Justin.. I know that El and Justin are looking to move back to Jackson so they can have a baby *NOT IN THE CITY*.. That's all I can remember for now :0
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