Saturday, October 11, 2008

OH, I hate being sick. I hate coughing and sneezing and missing my assembly because I'm having asthma attacks :( I just feel so ugh! In my old age (finally) I don't fight sleep anymore. I have been asleep for the last three days I think. The kids have just wrecked havoc in the house, but so far they  haven't gotten anything.

I think Brian is sick too but he is at work.  When he calls I'l tell him how much I appreciate him taking care of the kids while I sleep> I forget to tell him how important he is to me :) 

I really like facebook, but sometimes it just feels like another chore I have to do. *L* I'm Jess Meece on facebook. I believe.

I hope that Betty comes soon. everytime I think shes' coming and then she doesn't.. I just feel like my heart just sinks down again . I get so excited and then fall  .. I just have to  make it not so important. 

Joel is reading really well now. I'm vry proud of him. Now to work on writing! *L*

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